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"I wish we would have listed our home with you first.  We had an offer after only 9 days thanks to your incredible advertising exposure, and less than two weeks later our home sold for 99.3% of asking price.  Thank you!"

~Tom & Sandra Woods

"Having dealt with other real estate agents in the past, I am clearly convinced that your knowledge and ability to service your clients far surpassed the others.  I was amazed when my home sold for the price I wanted, and in less than 3 days!"

~Richard Kern

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Yes, You Can Sell Your Home and Avoid Foreclosure!

Are you behind with your mortgage payments?

  • Do you owe the bank more than what your house is worth?
  • Have you been denied for a re-finance?
  • Is your home about to be foreclosed?
  • Are you struggling to sell your house on your own?
  • Are you having sleepless nights?
  • Do you need help NOW?

We can help! But first, let me explain that you're not alone…

Foreclosed Home Image According to an industry study by Deutsch Bank, 48% of U.S. Homeowners will be underwater by 2011. Your biggest dilemma when facing an unsold home with a mortgage balance for possibly more than your home may sell for, is finding the right agent to help you in your present situation. You don’t want to get stuck making life altering sacrifices, ruining your credit and possibly even losing your home to foreclosure.

We get people out of foreclosure and into a new and better life. Our Short Sale Solution is for owners who can no longer afford to keep mortgage payments current and do not want to go through bankruptcy or foreclosure proceedings.

66% of homeowners facing foreclosure don't realize that the lender has work out options. We Specialize in Helping People Avoid Foreclosure. We provide home owners with Short Sale and Pre-Foreclosure solutions.

When lenders agree to do a short sale it means the lender is accepting less than total amount of loans due. Banks hate to take over homes, especially in a declining market, this is why short sales are the best solution for people facing foreclosure.

A short sale will help you to:

  • Protect your Credit
  • Avoid Foreclosure
  • Give you a fresh start

Over the last several years of the housing downturn, we have helped over 400 Homeowners move quickly – regardless of what they owe their bank because we have an exclusive proven system unlike that of other area agents. In fact our Guaranteed Home Sale System has been featured on CNN, Fox News and Forbes.

You see, we have over 321 registered buyers looking for a home right now! Of those, at least 137 of those buyers in our buyer network would be interested in your home.

In fact, if you wish, I will match your home's features to my VIP buyer data base for free.

Don't wait... Act NOW!!!

Waiting the 11th hour to be foreclosed will cost you your home... and credit! Your ability to borrow money for any purpose (buying a house, renting, or simple credit card) may be in jeopardy. Our Guaranteed Home Sale System is a much better alternative!

For a Free No Obligation Buyer Prospect Match to Your Home, please complete the form below and submit. We will contact you shortly. Thank you.

 Fields marked by * are required.
  Your Contact Information  
  First Name *
  Last Name *
  Email Address *
  Street Address *
  City *
  State *
  Zip Code *
  Phone *
  Description of the Home You're Looking For  
  How fast are you looking to sell? *
  Is your home currently listed with a Realtor?: *
  Are you behind on payments?: *
  What is the current condition of the property? *
  How much are you looking to sell your property for? *
  Please describe your property here (including number of bedrooms, baths, sqaure feet, etc.) *
  Please add any additional comments here



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